Just W.A.I.T.
Although I haven’t worked as a journalist for a while, there will be always a strong journalist heart pumping in my body. I love to learn, understand topics, grasp the essence and to find out what makes people tick.
In the early days as a journalist I prepared many questions for my interviews. I believed in the power of smart questions. But I wasn’t experienced — or agile — enough to change my interviewing plan. While listening to my interviewing partner with half an ear, I was already rehearsing the next question. I am sure I missed many nuances and interesting things to dive into. When I got older, I decided to only have a list with some key topics to discuss. I still took detailed notes and was in total control of the interview. After all, it feels good having some power in such a situation, doesn’ it? I was busy listening and processing the answers at the same time.