Smile, Breathe, And Think Slowly


There are times for fast thinking and rapid decisions. And there are also times for slow thinking, for letting things develop over time, like good wine, vinegar or cheese. People who are fast talkers and fast thinkers do not see any value in digging deeper. Slow is the new black (or orange?) Let’s explore the “Slow Thinking Manifesto“, which I recently signed.

Sometimes slow thinking needs another space, maybe a chat with a friend about something else or a long walk at the beach (my favourite way to come up with some creative ideas). I like to walk and talk, to dictate text into my smartphone. My walking speed is in direct correlation to my thoughts: The slower I walk, the deeper my thoughts.

I am fond of slow thinking. And that’s the reason I endorse the (Slow Thinking Manifesto)[].

The Slow Thinking Manifesto is about uncovering better ways of collaborating beyond routines:

Questions before answers

Observations before evaluations

Change of perspectives before point of view

Self-reflection before criticism

I really like the idea of the authors to apply the items on the left side one time more than your intuition tells you to. And now, show don’t tell…